10 Largest Drug Lawsuits in the United States

Drug Lawsuit
10 Largest Drug Lawsuits in the United States - US Drug Lawsuit - The McEwen Law Firm - Personal Injury Attorneys

Pharmaceutical companies have produced amazing medications that have saved millions of lives throughout the world. But they’ve also caused irreparable harm for millions of others – all in the name of profit. When they do this, they often face incredibly huge monetary criminal fines, as well as millions – in some cases, billions – of…

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Does Elmiron Cause Blindness?

Drug Lawsuit

Can Blindness be Caused by Elmiron? It has been suggested by recent studies that using Elmiron long-term can cause maculopathy. This eye disorder can result in blindness. Some of the doctors who have studied this drug have identified pigmentary maculopathy in several patients who developed the condition after they took Elmiron. What is Elmiron? This…

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How Long Should Elmiron Be Taken?

Drug Lawsuit

For IC patients who start on an Elmiron regimen, it can take 3 to 5 months of continual treatment before seeing any obvious signs of relief. A doctor should reassess a patient after the initial 3 months of use. Depending on how effective the drug is and the absence of any side effects, the doctor…

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Elmiron Side Effects

Drug Lawsuit

What are the side effects of Elmiron? Elmiron, a name brand for Pentosan Polysulfate sodium, is a blood thinner and support supplement for the bladder. It’s of the utmost importance to understand the potential side effects before you consider taking it however. There are a number of potential issues that have historically come into play….

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Does Elmiron Cure Interstitial Cystitis?

Drug Lawsuit

How Elmiron Affects Eye Health Interstitial cystitis is responsible for chronic pain in the pelvis and bladder and is a condition that affects over one million Americans, most of whom are women. Elmiron’s the only FDA-approved drug to treat it. As the only treatment option for the condition, the drug has been the only solution…

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