Will My Drug Lawsuit Go to Trial?

Categories: Prescription Drug Lawsuit

drug lawsuit settlements

When many people learn they have a legal claim and are preparing to file a lawsuit, they imagine having to take the stand to testify about their injuries and illnesses in front of a judge and jury at trial. However, the large majority of personal injury cases never reach the trial stage – instead, they are resolved through a settlement agreement offered by the defendant and accepted by the plaintiff. Cases involving dangerous drugs such as Xarelto or Benicar are no different and many cases end up settling out of court.


How Do You Reach a Settlement?

Simply because there is no trial in a particular drug lawsuit does not mean that reaching a favorable settlement agreement is easy. Instead, it often takes a significant amount of pretrial litigation to achieve this result, as large pharmaceutical corporations can be formidable opponents in a lawsuit. They have significant resources and legal teams that try to intimidate injured pharmaceutical users into accepting a settlement that is too low in order to avoid trial. It is critical to have a law firm behind you that is not intimidated in this situation and knows how to use the litigation process to engage in aggressive negotiations to obtain a settlement amount that you deserve.

Our legal team uses the discovery process to gather evidence and build the strongest possible case in your favor so that you can walk away will a favorable settlement and not have to go through trial.


What If All Settlement Offers Are Inadequate?

In some cases, a company will refuse to offer an adequate settlement amount. In such cases, our lawyer is prepared to face off against these corporations in the courtroom in a jury trial. We have the litigation experience and resources to continue to fight for your rights should a trial be necessary.


Find out More by Calling Our Experienced US Drug Lawsuit Attorney Today

If you have been seriously injured by a pharmaceutical or medical product, it is imperative that you have the right firm handling your case. At McEwen Law Firm, our US Drug Lawsuit lawyer will always continue working for the best possible results in your case – trial or no trial. Call us today at 651-224-3833 for a free consultation.

